11 octubre 2013


revenge is in and of it itself
a beautiful lie and an ugly truth
and in realizing this
i know now
i loved you too much to hurt you
the way i thought that you deserved
i used to wonder how you slept at night
until i realized why i couldn't
and why you didn't
just repeated these transgressions
to numb a fractured reality
oblivious to the moment at which
karma reversed the hourglass
to replay the past
and thrust you into a darkness
you wouldn't know that you were in
until you search for my light
only to watch it dim
best served cold

Roni I'naru'

Mute Translation

saw a guy
conduct an orchestra
play a violin
do the funky chicken
mouth as best as he could
that today is his birthday
open his arms to the sky
bring them back to his chest
say thank you
diddy bop
get a running start
then jump off of the bus
forgetting his bike
but i bet this is still the best day of his life

-Roni I'naru'