13 junio 2009


Tell me what she does in seconds flat
what I spent two years figuring out
What does she whisper in your ear
that I can't get across loud & clear
Wonder what makes you leave my warmth for her cold
Dodge me by day to chase her at night
She fills your senses with the senseless
and you remain at attention
Watching you brave dangerous streets to find her
and she waits for you under the darkest of corners under the El
on littered concrete
Cheap but desirable
You gravitate toward her and I'd hope my little voice in your ear would interject
But you take her and devour her quickly
And slowly tread home to my fury
And I wish that we never happened
And I swear that I'd do anything to never have met you
And I'd give my left arm to rewind time
Screaming regrets and bets and threats and yet
he can't come clean
In the middle of crying I ask what's her name
After denying, he utters,

-Roni I'naru